Ad Fundum

Ad Fundum is a 1993 Belgian drama film directed by Erik Van Looy. It is his first featurelength film after the short movies Dr. Tritsmans and Yuppies. It tells the story of some students studying at the university of Leuven, and who participate in some initiation rites.

The police starts an investigation the students wont talk, the students union claims Sammy died due to alcohol abuse and the university declares not to be responsible for fraternities.Dennis and Tom start their own investigation. They find a man who was fraternized some years earlier also under command of Guy Bogaerts. He was also set on the flying carpet which was suddenly removed. He broke his leg and walks with a limp since then. The case Sammy is set to court, but the judge opines there is not enough proof so Guy is set free. ........

Source: Wikipedia